On avait besoins de rules en anglais
The Start and End of a Phase
During your game, you may encounter rules that say that an action or event happens at
the start of a particular phase, such as ‘at the start of your Movement phase’ or ‘at the
start of your Shooting phase’. These are always resolved before anything else during that
phase. Likewise, any rule that says an action or event happens at the end of a particular
phase is always resolved after all other actions have been performed during that phase,
before the next phase (if any) starts.
The Start and End of a Turn
During your game, you may encounter rules that say that an action or event happens ‘at
the start of your turn’. These are always resolved before your Movement phase. Likewise,
any rule that says an action or event happens ‘at the end of your turn’ is always resolved
after your Assault phase has finished, but before your opponent’s next turn (if any) starts.
While playing Warhammer 40,000, you’ll occasionally find that two or more rules are to
be resolved at the same time – normally ‘at the start of the Movement phase’ or similar.
When this happens, and the wording is not explicit as to which rule is resolved first, then
the player whose turn it is chooses the order. If these things occur before or after the
game, or at the start or end of a game turn, the players roll-off and the winner decides in
what order the rules are resolved in.
Turn Summary
1. The start of your turn. Resolve any rule described as happening at the start
of your turn.
2. Movement phase. Here, you move any of your units that are capable of doing
so. See the movement rules for more details of how to do this.
3. Psychic phase. In the Psychic phase, models known as Psykers can use
strange mental powers, and other Warp-born effects may manifest. See the
psychic rules for more details of how to do this.
4. Shooting phase. You now shoot with any of your units that are capable of
doing so. See the shooting rules for more details on how to resolve this.
5. Assault phase. During the Assault phase, units may move into combat
against enemy units in the Charge sub-phase and trade blows with them in the
Fight sub-phase. All units in close combat fight; this is an exception to the
normal turn sequence in that both sides fight, not just the side whose turn it is.
More information on fighting close combats can be found in the assault rules.
6. The end of your turn. Resolve any rule described as happening at the end of
your turn.
Moving On From Reserve
When a Reserves unit arrives, it must move onto the table from the controlling player’s
table edge. Measure the model’s move from the edge of the table, as if they had been
positioned just off the board in the previous turn. A unit cannot charge, or use any
abilities or special rules that must be used at the start of the turn, in the turn it arrives
from Reserve.
Avec tous les infos ci-haut,
Il faut pouvoir faire la différence entre une abilitée spéciale qui se fait au début du tour et une abilitée spéciale qui se fait au début d'une phase (comme celle du mouvement) Une unité qui arrive de réserve n'a pas le droit de faire une abilitée de début de tour mais à le droit à une abilitée de début de phase de mouvement.
Retourner l'information comme vous voulez, vous avez le droit d'utiliser la puce ci celle-ci dit au debut de la phase de mouvement
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